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Yes, There’s Still Time to Use Your FSA on Eye Care!

Out-of-pocket medical expenses can add up. Even if you have good medical and vision insurance, anyone who relies on glasses and contacts can expect to spend a significant amount of money on eye care every year.

But if your employer offers an HSA or FSA, you can more easily pay for routine and surprise expenses. FSAs can be a little trickier since the funds don’t roll over, but you still have time to use whatever money you’ve set aside this year on all kinds of eye care needs! Keep reading to learn how to use your FSA on eye care this year!

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It may seem like it’s challenging to keep up with all your yearly doctor’s appointments. But you know it’s something you need to do to stay healthy.

You may remember to see your dentist for annual cleaning and your primary care doctor for your physical every year, but do you do the same with your yearly eye exam? Just like it’s essential to have your health checked every year, the same is true when it comes to keeping your eyes healthy.

Many people put off seeing their eye doctor, whether they wear glasses or contact lenses to see or not. But scheduling regular, comprehensive eye exams aren’t only a way to make sure your prescription is up-to-date.

Your eye exams can save you from permanent vision loss. Keep reading to learn more about why eye exams are so crucial to having healthy eyes!

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Woman outside

Winter can seem to go on forever, even if you live in a warm place like Nevada. After the holidays, most people are ready for the colder weather to be over. 

But in many places across the country, the first couple of months of the year are the coldest. Winter weather can be fun in small doses. 

If you’re not used to it, it can be a pain in larger ones, but no matter your feelings, one thing is for sure. During the winter, you should take precautions to keep your body, and your eyes in particular, healthy. 

Here’s how you can do just that. Keep reading for 5 tips to follow for healthy eye care this winter!

1. Limit Your Time Out in the Cold

When it’s cold outside, you shouldn’t spend too much time outdoors without protection. Even if it doesn’t feel that cold, your eyes may be the ones that pay the price. 

Colder winter months can make your eyes dry, itchy, and irritated. If you wear contact lenses, colder weather can dry out your eyes even faster.  

Make sure you keep track of just how long you’ve been outside if you’re taking a walk. If your eyes start to feel uncomfortable, head inside! 

2. Wear Sunglasses

During the summer, you probably know to wear sunglasses to protect against the sun’s harmful UV rays. But the sun is still around even when it’s cold. 

In the winter, you can still suffer damage to your eyes, even if it’s cloudy while you’re outside. It may be unlikely to experience snow in Nevada, but it’s not impossible! 

If there’s snow on the ground, sunlight reflecting off it can be more harmful! Be sure to wear sunglasses whenever you go out on a sunny day, especially if there’s snow on the ground. 

Take extra precautions if you’re participating in any winter sports like skiing or snowboarding. This means goggles or sunglasses to protect your eyes.

3. Stay Hydrated 

Another thing you may think about more in the summer is drinking plenty of water. A nice cold glass of water is a little less appealing when you’ve just come inside in the middle of the winter. 

But it’s just as important to stay hydrated in cold weather as it is in warmer weather. It’s more important as dry winter air can make you dehydrated faster.

Drink water where you can, but you can also eat foods that contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids like tuna, flaxseed, and even eggs. Eating more of these foods will help keep your eyes hydrated!

4. Limit Screen Time

It can be tempting to spend more time looking at digital devices when the weather turns cooler. But this can harm your sight. 

If you have to look at a screen for a long time, try to take breaks and follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look away from the screen to look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Following this rule will help your eyes rest and recharge before you get back to the screen.

5. Avoid Dry Air 

Heating is essential in the winter if you want to keep your home warm. But blasting your heating system at all hours can dry out the air and your eyes. 

This is especially true if you sit near a vent for a long time. Do your best to avoid direct air blowing on your face. If your heating makes your home particularly dry, consider getting a humidifier that you can put in the room you spend the most time in. Your eyes will thank you!

Are you concerned that your eyes are still dry and irritated after trying these winter eye care tips? Schedule an appointment at Sierra Nevada Eye Center in Reno, NV, to discuss your dry eye treatment options with our eye doctors today!

Family playing on beach

At the height of the summer, it’s more important than ever to be aware of the dangers of UV light. What are you doing to protect yourself?

UV light from the sun can be an issue all year long, but in the summer the days are longer and the sun is hotter! Keep in mind basic safety measures to take when you’re going to be outside.

Keep reading for a few important tips to follow this UV Safety Month to help protect your eyes!

Why UV Safety Matters

Ultraviolet, or UV light, is a form of radiation most commonly found in sunlight. But it can come from artificial sources, too, like tanning beds.

Even limited exposure to concentrated UV light can cause health issues. You’re probably aware UV light causes sunburns, wrinkles, and even skin cancer.

But it can affect your eyes, too. Too much UV damage can lead to cataracts and even a growth in your eyes called a pterygium.

It can also increase your risk of developing eye cancer. It’s as important to protect your eyes as it is to protect the rest of your body from UV light.

Keep You and Your Family Safe

The best thing you can do to protect your eyes is to wear sunglasses when you go outside. Even if it isn’t sunny, you should wear them when you’re outside for an extended period of time.

UV rays penetrate through clouds and are intensified by white surfaces like snow. Sunglasses are something you should have on hand at any time of year.

But not just any pair of sunglasses will do. Not all sunglasses will protect your eyes against UV light. For this reason, you need to be careful when you buy any sunglasses.

Be sure to buy a pair of sunglasses that have a sticker or tag that says they block out 99% of UV light. You may also want to wear a wide-brimmed hat.

This will protect your eyes even if you’re already wearing sunglasses. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses may be the best solution on days that you’ll be outside and it’s sunny.

Don’t forget to make sure your children have ample protection as well! Dress them appropriately with their own sunglasses and hats. Their eyes are especially prone to damage while they’re still growing!

Don’t feel like you have to avoid getting out when the weather is nice. As long as you’re smart, you can enjoy your time outside.

Be extra careful when you’re outside during the middle of the day. This is when the sun is at its highest and is strongest.

Stick to the shade when you can. If you have protective sunglasses and dress the right way, you can safely enjoy hot summer days.

Protect Your Skin, Too!

Don’t forget about sunscreen. Always make sure you apply it to any exposed areas of skin and reapply every few hours.

If you can, cover up with lightweight clothing that will keep you cool while also protecting your skin. Both your skin and eyes can be severely damaged by UV exposure.

It’s important to protect both. Make sure your kids know how important it is to protect themselves, too!

Concerned about your eyes this summer? Schedule an appointment at Sierra Nevada Eye Center in Carson City, NV today!